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Submit Your Feedback

Name :
Email Address :

Information on the game played (Show all details of plays you have played. If you have played more than one game, please provide the details of the game played in the last one week.)

Identify the supply chain scenarios played and the role played in each scenario: (You can choose more than one option if you have played different options in different games including trial game.)

General environment :

Lost sales back order

Type of VMI based game :

3player 4player

Role played (Retailer option is available if you played 4-player game) :

Retailer Wholesaler Distributor Factory

Your feedback about the game:

Rate the Game on the basis of your overall experience during the game play:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the usefulness of this game in providing an understanding on the supply chain concept (especially serial supply chain concept).:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the usefulness of this game in providing an understanding on the operation (working) of supply chain.:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game in providing a need for better coordination between supply chain members:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game in providing an understanding on Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) concept:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game in providing an understanding on the decision making difficulties while placing orders:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game with respect to the data provided for the order decisions:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Which performance characteristics you have understood well as a result of playing this game? (You can choose more than one option.) :

Bullwhip effect
Fill rate
Total Inventory carrying cost
Total Shortage cost (Lost sales cost/backorder cost)

Rate the game in providing an understanding on the role of performance measures in judging the performance of a supply chain:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game in providing an understanding on the role inventory in the operation of supply chain and its performance:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game in providing an understanding that, the Periodic inventory control policy is used in managing inventory in a stage in the supply chain used in the play:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Rate the game in providing an understanding on the effect of lead time in the operation of a supply chain:

Excellent Very Good Good
Fair          Poor

Please provide general comments on the game :

Please put forward your suggestions for its improvements :